The individual is responsible to report on daily news stories through live coverage and packaged content.
Work collaboratively with cameramen and other members of a reporting team.
Attend and report on events that are of interest to the public.
Deliver scripted, spontaneous, live, and prerecorded reports on newsworthy events.
Provide compelling packages with content for television.
Conduct live reports from the field ensuring accuracy and objectivity.
Ensure that stories have depth and quality.
Conduct in-studio lives that are professional and informative.
Respond to breaking news events quickly and accurately
Provide the news desk with regular updates on stories by adhering to the editorial deadlines.
Ensure adherence to story deadlines.
Take a multi-media approach to individual stories done by use of graphics and animations thereby ensuring good quality, still pictures as well as moving visuals and overall content are shared, prepared and edited properly and ready for air.
Ensure a professional appearance, language use, and manner throughout reports.
Deliver high-quality live and recorded reports, maintain strong news contacts, and ensure compelling multi-platform content.
Represent the organization at events, including: conferences, press briefings, events, and interviews.
Interview a range of people - eye-witnesses, authorities, and people of interest in news stories, newsmakers
Briefs the Camera Operator and Interviewee prior to broadcast.
Conduct preliminary telephonic interviews.
Ask probing and follow-up questions.
Ensure interviews contain a variety of voices and/or angles.
Conduct interviews with people involved in the story, either in-person or remotely
Conduct live and on camera interviews that are hard-hitting and probing.
Identify, investigate, and verify news stories, attend meetings, and ensure factual accuracy.