Main Outputs and Responsibilities for This Position:1. Provide advice to clients
Verify the positive identification of the client
Provide correct and accurate advice to clients on products; premiums (monthly); beneficiaries; payments (school fund, loans; life assured on policy; (TCF)
Make notes on the system
Provide assistance on demutualization enquiries
2. Advise clients on cancelations
Advise the client of the process and disadvantages of cancelation
Retain the policy by proposing different options (loan, partial surrender paid up)
As per clients request follow the standard cancelation procedure (Refund if applicable)
3. Advise clients on changes to policy
Verify the positive identification of the client
Check policy details and status
Advise client if request can be processed
Makes notes on the system
Send documents to back off for processing
Follow up with back office if changes to policy and been processed and provide feedback to client
4. Fit and Proper RequirementsAdhere and comply to FSB board notice in terms of FAISFormal Education:
Technical/Legal Certification :
Registration as an Employee Representative (FSB)
Relevant Qualification as per the FSB Board Notice (Depending on date of appointment in the industry)